Wednesday, June 30, 2010


So, last night was my first midnight movie showing. I was a little skeptical when my friend Meghan suggested we do this. ESPECIALLY being a twilight movie. Don't get me wrong... I love Twilight. I read the books even before there were movies. But some of the twilight fans... well... they are crazy. Last year when I went opening night at 1030 thinking it wouldn't be very crowded so late... (espesh when it had been showing since midnight the night before) well... let's just say I found out I was very wrong about that. We got there an hour early and the line was all the way through the movie theater. We ended up sitting in the second row... and I don't care HOW hot Jacob is... he wasn't meant to be seen that up close. Not unless it's on my bedroom that is.

So, yes, back to last night. There were four of us going. Myself, Melissa, Meghan, and Meghan's sister Katie. We decided to meet at the theater at 8 hoping that four hours before the show will be enough to ensure we aren't TOO close to the front.

Melissa and I get a bit of a late start so when Meghan calls at 8 and tells us she's there we tell her we are about fifteen minutes away. She then tells me that they are second in line so we can go ahead and go eat if we want. Wow! Second in line. That sounds amazing. Sure, we'll go grab some taco bell and drinks and take it to the theater and eat in line. Meghan also tells me that they are having to sit outside until 1115 before they will let them in... and as it turns out. It's raining. We ALSO decided to run into Academy and buy some rain jackets. Meghan and Katie who are already sitting out in the rain have come prepared and are in ponchos. As seen here....
So, Melissa and I take our time. We go to Academy. Look around. Buy a rain jacket. Go to Taco Bell. Order some food. Then Meghan text me and tells me more people are starting to show up. So we decide it's time to head that way. So we get there... gather up all of the food and walk up to the theater.

Melissa "So, they must have let everyone in. No one is outside."

Me "Oh, well I bet they won't let us take this food in. Crap! Let me call Meghan and see what's going on."

Ring Ring

Meghan "Hey, you here?"

Me "Yeah, did they let ya'll in cause we can't bring this food in there."

Meghan "No, we are still outside. They won't let us in."

Me "Meghan, I can't see you. There's no one outside. Everyone is INSIDE."

Meghan "You ARE at the Vestavia Rave, right?"

Me ....pause... "I'm at the Patton Rave."

Meghan "Stephanie Gentry you are joking me right now."

Me "Meghan, I'm at the Patton Rave. I SWEAR I told you Patton."

Meghan "You are SO joking right now!"

Me "I wish I was."

Meghan (rather exasperated) "We're leaving now." CLICK

Holy crap. They have sat out in the rain all of this time... SECOND in line... at the wrong theater. OMG. So we go inside... and ARE NOT second in line... we are like 92nd....

Phone rings again. "Stephanie Gentry this is Meghan's sister. You are in SOOO MUCH TROUBLE! We were second in line!"

"I swear I told her Patton!"

So we sit in line watching more and more people come in behind us. We had to throw the cokes we bought away.... such a waste... but we sneak eat the burritos. And I kid you not... ten minutes later I get a text that says "here". Meghan has flown Millenium Falcon speeds and made it from Vestavia to Patton in ten minutes.

Luckily they are able to sneak in line with us and not have to get in the back. So we sit there... in a crowd... on the floor... for like an hour. I am starting to realize that I am getting WAY too old for the things I love. I love things that my body is too old to enjoy! Sitting on the floor hurts! I swear I used to sit outside of Hanson venues ALL DAY and feel like I could run a marathon afterwards but now after an hour on the floor i need a crane to get me up!

Luckily at 10 they let us into the actual theater for the remaining two hours. We actually get really good seats. And now we have two hours to sit in the theater.... I read the book I brought... Melissa took a nap... Katie went back and fourth to the concession stand. (plus she had brought poptarts in her bag with her. And we had some of the taco bell still hidden in the purses, but it just isn't a movie without eating food that must contain actual bits of gold. or diamonds. or something else very rare and extravagant because good god they sure are proud of it and therefore charge out the wazoo)

But eventually the movie started. AND we got the new Harry Potter trailer!!! It looks amazing!!!! I cannot WAIT for that movie.

Eclipse was very good. The best of the three by a mile. It was so much fun to watch it with a big crowd of people who OBVIOUSLY love the movie or they wouldn't be there at midnight. It was sooo fun to hear the reactions.

I do have to say this though, how can ANYONE be team Edward? Are you joking? Have you SEEN Jacob? I loved him from when I read the book WAY before I ever saw Taylor Lautner without a shirt. But even if SOMEHOW from reading the books you WEREN'T in love with Jacob the first time he ran up wearing only cut offs and tennis shoes that should have been it. No questions asked.

All in all the midnight showing experience was a good one. MOSTLY everything went off without a hitch. I'm TOTALLY game to do it again in December for Breaking Dawn! Jacob here we come!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

When you turn 29 the ONLY option is to party like it's 1986!

So, as you may or may not know, my 29th bday was the past weekend. I'm not gonna lie... I've basically been dreading this age. It's my last bday in the 20's! In less than 12 short months, I'll be 30!!!! And while I recognize that 30 is NOWHERE near ancient... when you are 30 and single and life in the south... well, you might as well go ahead and start buying the cats cause face it "kid" (and I use that word loosely), it's over. Go ahead and put your face on a playing card cause you're an old maid.

So, yeah, wasn't REALLY looking forward to this bday, but what can you do. So, the plan was to have a few people over to my parents house to watch a movie on their outdoor theater. Nothing big. Have some food. Watch a movie. A nice mellow time for the old-timer.

Little did I know my BFF and brother had other plans!!!

Another thing about me that's important to know is, I LOVE Michael Jackson. I mean, COME ON, he WAS the King of Pop after all. Mr Moonwalker himself. Billie Jean. We are the World. The Free Willie song. Come on. AND I've loved MJ basically my whole life. I was a child of the 80s. Of course.

Last year on my 28th bday the party was basically turned into a day of mourning... MJ died on my bday. How awful! So, THIS year on my bday was the one year anniversary of the day of his death. WE MISS YOU, MJ!

So all day long I sit around my parents house knowing Tabatha (my brother Luke's fiancee) and I are going to pay the deposit on the place they are getting married, and I keep thinking... why are we waiting so late in the day? There are people coming... things to do.... but I don't really want to say anything and sound whiny. Well finally around 3:30 we go. And I can't believe how the whole time we are out Tab is driving SO slow :-) And stupid me still isn't picking up on it. We go by the place and check it out... pay the deposit... and then head toward her parents house to pick up their new dog they are getting from a shelter. A sweet Min-Pin they have rescued. On the way there she asks if it's okay if we see if we can find the place where she wants to look at wedding cakes... "Suuuureeee..... it's only almost time for my party.... but what the heck...." So we go by... stay a while... and then FINALLY head back toward my parents house. And again... soooo slow.. we get stuck behind an OLD car that i think Henry Ford was driving....

Finally, we get back to my parents house... I'm covered in dog hair... greasy face... looking yucky... and there are a ton of cars in the drive way... More than I expected.

Walk in and there's everyone. My family, Steph and her mom and brother, Ann, Heather.... and everyone is looking at me. And I look GROSS. But the amazing this is... Michael Jackson decorations everywhere! And they look so good!!!! Someone spent a lot of time and effort!!! And Steph has gotten me the coolest looking Michael cake! Isn't it amazing? LOVE it! My mom had also made me some sparkly glove cookies! It was just the coolest! MJ decorations everywhere. So we eat... have cake... open presents... are all are sitting around outside. I'm starting to freak out because it's REALLY looking like rain and if it's rains... no movie. And as far as I know that's the only entertainment. As we are sitting around assessing the situation Luke tells me he needs to go back to his house and get Autumn's allergy medicine and that Tab is gonna go with him. I don't suspect anything because when she's outside a lot she DOES need her medicine. While he's gone we are all sitting around outside and Mom's got her video camera and Steph keeps shoving her camera in my face but I'm not really thinking anything other than "these loons really want to remember the boring time we had sitting around outside praying it doesn't rain". Well after a few minutes my mom tells me to turn my chair and not look behind me. So I figure, Oh Luke went back to his house and got my present and it must be something big like a bookshelf. I don't know why I think this, but I do. And then out of nowhere I say "If the MJ impersonator taps on my shoulder I'll have a stroke" and even as I say this, that is NOT what i think is about to happen. I have no idea why it came out of my mouth.

After a few minutes I hear, "Is this the birthday girl?" in a soft spoken voice. OMG! Can it be?? My best friend and brother HAVE gotten the MJ impersonator for my BDAY! What!?!?!? Here he is walking up behind me.

Of course I'm immediately embarrassed. I don't know why this is my first reaction. Amazement and embarrassment. I just CAN'T believe they did this for me! Michael Jackson at my bday! And turns out, EVERYONE knew but me! EVERYONE. I can't BELIEVE they kept it a secret for so long!!! And it was my brothers idea. I guess he loves me after all :-)

And then "Michael" puts on a thirty minute hard core show. He doesn't stop dancing for 30 straight minutes. Outside. In the heat. Amazingly. And he did the moonwalk IN THE GRASS and it was perfect!!!! How do you moonwalk in the grass!?!? Unfortunatly it was too dark to video Beat It or Billie Jean and those were the best ones (and that's where the moonwalk was) but all in all it was soooooooo amazing! I LOVE LOVE LOVE them for doing this for me. I truly appreciate it SO much! I have the best family and friends in the whole world and it made me realize that no matter how old I get and no matter if I never find someone who wants to marry me, I'm way more blessed than most because I have some of the best people in the world in my corner. And that's more than enough. Also, little Autumn was dancing her little butt off in my lap and at one point she started 'raising the roof'. It was great! Any niece of mine is gonna love MJ!

Also, we got some great video before it got dark.

Check those out, they are great!!!! You can tell everyone was having a good time!

And lastly, my mom made a slideshow for my birthday. I gotta say it, but I LOVE my mom. She's the greatest person in the whole world. I wouldn't be anywhere near where I am today without her. She kind, and creative, and funny, and beautiful, and just a great great mom.

Here's the video. I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!

It was an amazing birthday!!! I don't see how 30 is going to be anywhere close to this!! Thank you SO much everyone! I love you guys!!!! Now lets 29 commence!!!! I feel like this might be my best year yet!!!!
AND of course, the time Steph and I tried to go to see BO at Alabama Adventures. You wouldn't think that would be a hard things to do.... but then again, we ARE The Steph's. We function on a WHOLE different level than the rest of the world.

Okay, so... get a nice cold drink, pull up a chair and get comfy. It's time for a little bedtime story. I've decided that today was just FAR too eventful not to be chronicled for all of my avid fans to read about. It's a good story. Full of laughter, scares, getting lost, and even giant amounts of Raid bug spray. Reel you in yet? Thought so.

Just so you have a visual here are the players:

Me of course: Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting>

My BFF, the other Steph: Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Bo: Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Okay, so Steph and I decide it's a pretty day... Bo is playing at Alabama Adventures, we haven't done anything loser-y in a while, let's go! So we do. My friend Heather (you may recognize her from my top 8... she's awesome. and yes there are two heathers... I'll leave you to figure out who I am talking about) is a huge Bo fan like Steph so she of course is coming along. We look up directions for the place and set off about 6:35 thinking since he isn't singing until 8 that with the drive being only twenty minutes, we'll have plenty of time. I call Heather and tell her we are leaving so she can meet us there, and we are off! Once we get on the road Steph asks "Was that 459 North or South" Hmm... woulda been a good thing to know! Did I think to look at that bit of valuable info? Of course not. "Umm... North, I think."

So, we start driving north.

Twenty minutes later... "Shouldn't be be there by now?"

"Yeah, and where is the 59 exit? And do we need north or south?"


So, we call her mother so she can look at the directions again... Yeah... mostly went the TOTAL wrong way. it was 459 SOUTH. Good lord... we have now driven at least 20 minutes the WRONG WAY and it's after seven. Heather calls "Where are you guys?" Oh... nowhere near where we need to be... AWESOME. So we get on 59 south knowing that it'll eventually get us there... it's 7:10 and we are at exit 134 when we need to be at 110... and it's friday traffic. SWEET!

Okay... so now going Millennium Falcon speeds to get there. Let's hope there are no Johny's around to get us. Heather calls again because poor girl... we said we'd be there fifteen years ago. And I'm embarrased... because I'm a dumbass.

Anyway... fifteen years later, we get to the park. Oh good! You have to pay to park. Let's get some money out. Oh I have three dollars and you have none? Good. How much does it cost to park? Seven dollars. Yes, that's right. We can't afford to pay to park. "Well, at six flags you can use a debit card. Maybe you can here."

Dear, afraid we aren't at six flags.

"Is it cash only to pay to park?' The attendent looks at us like we just crawled out of The Ocean of Stupid. "Yes, it's cash only." He looked back at all of the cars behind us. "Well... we only have checks and cards. What should we do?" The attendent then says "Checks are fine." Well SIR, if checks are fine why did you say cash only? Last time I checked, checks weren't cash? Idiot. Okay, so I quickly write a check and we are finally in the park. But still... the journey to Bo is not over.

After we park in freaking NIGERIA we have to walk 40 days and 40 nights to even get to where you buy tickets. When we do arrive, FINALLY, we in the shortest line, thinking, well less time. Shorter lines usually mean quicker, right? Hell, no. We get behind some weird ass who wants to peruse season passes... asking EVERY POSSIBLE QUESTION that can be asked about season passes. "How much do they cost? What color are they? Will my season pass make my look fat? Can you marry a season pass? If I buy a season pass, will women love me?" Good god, this sucks. Okay, finally he is satisfied with his season pass purchase and we can move on. Then once in the park, we have to find a bathroom because it's been ten years in the making just to get there. Now it's like 7:58.

Okay, finally up to Bo. Show starts. We can see pretty good. It's awesome. He sounds amazing, of course. Bo knows how to rock it, and he looks hotter than ever. Awesome. Oh wait, what's this? People are on the move? And look at that, is that a person? Oh no, it's a GIANT. An acutal giant. This man is llike 7 feet tall. And while he can see just fine where he is, right behind me. That's not good enough. He looks right at me, and then steps right in front of me with his chisolm wife. I mean... wtf? You could see where you were and now I cannot see anything but the back of your unusually large head. And wait? What's this? Bo's singing is an aphrodisiac? You want to make-out hardcore right in my face? Awesome. Oh, even better, she's sticking her tongue in his ear. You can't beat free life action skanky porn... I must say this... BO FANS ARE RUDE. And then, a nasty fog settled over our area... it was a breeze from the bog of eternal stinch... I mean.. someone had an accident. It smelled SO RIPE! Even Bo must have smelled it Photobucket - Video and Image HostingAt any rate, Bo is phenomenal. Really. And to end the show, Bo pulls out the magic ingredient. Skynrd. If you ever want to get Alabama hoppin' that's the way to do it. It's like a catalyst. And, of course, it was great!

Okay, so even though I can't see most of the show, I'll admit, it rocked. So, then we leave... or at least try to leave. The parking lot DOES NOT MOVE. And yes, I know you can never get out of a parking lot after a concert in a timely fashion, but this was UNREAL. We were, literally, in the lot for an hour. Just sitting. Never even moving from out spot. It was ridiculous. Seriously so. I mean, the radio actually ran out of songs to play while we were sitting there and had to resort to the crap they only play when they think no one is listening.

So, once finally out of the parking lot, Steph and I must put on some "I gotta get through this" which is old school for us and we harmonize the whole way home because we are cool like that. Deal.

Anyway... FINALLY back at Steph's.... Oh wait? What's this on the front porch? Did my flip flop come off of my foot and take flight? OH DEAR GOD NO, THAT'S JUST A GIANT COCKROACH FLYING AT MY HEAD!!! We ran into the house without even shutting the door. Thank god it didn't fly in. Probably would have robbed the place. I mean... this sucker was HUGE. Probably had a gun in his trenchcoat. Anyway... I stay a min...we upload pics then I decided to leave. Now apparently Steph lives in the deepest jungles... that or she opened a game called Jumangi and some of the bugs escaped out because the BIGGEST grasshopper EVER flew right on in. I mean... this thing was so huge he was smoking a cigar. Steph tossed me the raid (which was supposed to be floral scent, but damn, who's garden smells like that?) and I go crazy. Didn't even phase the thing. He looked at me and seriously said, "What else you got?" Weirdly enough, he sounded just like Joe Pesci. Stephanie yells at me to get the vacuum and I sucked him up. It was gross. Scared the crap out of me. So, I left, and about two minutes later Steph calls and tells me that in her effort to get to safety from the front door and the land of the giant bugs, she has slipped in the gallons of springy-crap covered flowers scented raid I sprayed about and has busted her butt. Ah... what an end to a strange day.

Now, yeah, this story wasn't as funny or cool as you might have hoped, and it's after one am so I bet I left a lot out, spelled a lot wrong, and all of that good stuff... but I'm telling you... it was a WEIRD DAY.

And this is the time I went to the Season Five American Idol's Concert! Yep, I told you I was a nerd and I truly wasn't joking!

*clears throat* Ahem... yes. So... last night was the Birmingham American idol concert. And yes, OF COURSE - dont be ridiculous, I was in attendance. Let me just preface this with.... I freaking love Taylor and if you dont want to hear about my massive lust/love/whateveryouwant to call this I have for Taylor... prolly dont want to ready any further. Okay... and now you know. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting These are the most important of the players. I mean... honestly. (I cant remember if Kat is in this pic, but if she is... she is not included in any of the importance I just spoke of) Okay, so... Im not sure where to start this little story we have here... I mean, if you want the honest truth of the whole matter... it probably starts the sixth time I watched Taylor sing Levon that week of the top 24's performances when I started finding him "oddly" attractive. But I suppose in the interest of saving time...

Ill start from when my mom and dad were on our way to the BJCC and it took us ten lifetimes and a lot of swearing to get parked. (Actually to tell the truth, no swearing was involved because the rents were in the car... which is prolly why I got so angry... I couldnt drop any bombs and we all know how cathartic that is) Why is it that when you take a normal everyday run of the mill person and place them in a car that they become a giant ball of nonsensical/selfish-ridden/idiotsoaken stupidity. Myself included. I tend to yell a lot at my passengers when I am behind the wheel in a battle called "Im going next biotch". It was ridiculous. I had ten birthdays in the time it took to drive 15 feet. We arrive at the BJCC at like 5:45 and didnt get into the venue until almost seven... what a load. Let me just tell you.... my mood was VERY foul by the time I got in to sit down. I could have killed people... unfortunately I didnt run into Kat McPheces...

Okay so anyway... we sat...waited on the show to start... blah blah snore bore drone... nothing really happened during that span of time. But I did forget to mention that one Corey Clark was in the parking lot selling his CD out of the trunk of a car... seriously. He actually WAS there. Very sad how the never will never was mighty have not so much fallen as... tripped.

Okay, so, first was Mandisa. She was awesome. Seriously. That girl can SING. For the third of her songs ACE came out for a duet. Ah... Ace. He may be a pretty boy and he may be boy-bandish but... whew! Hes hot. Man... very hot. When he did Father Figure (a personal fave song of mine) it was... well fill in the blank there but it WAS. Yeah... Ace? Call me. After Ace was Lisa. I didnt care for her on the show, but I must say this. SHE WAS GREAT! She really was. The Elton John medley she did was so good. Not to mention the girl is gorgeous. I like to think we look a lot alike. Truly. After Lisa was Paris. Cute. Okay, after Paris... BUCKY! Yay! Bucky! I love ol Bucky. I dont care what any of you say. Bucky is great. He was fantastic and so cute!!! I just think hes great. The woman in front of us heard us yell for Bucky and she turned and said, "No! Not Bucky! Yall cant like Bucky!" Um... yes we can, and we do. Cause hes awesome. And you are mean and... stupid. I thank you. On a little random rant here.... here is a pic of Bucky doing... well I have no idea what hes doing. But look at this and tell me Photobucket -  Video and Image Hosting that he doesnt look like he came out of barrel of monkeys. Totally right? Very hilarious. Glad I managed to capture that on film. Speaking of primates... what is it that Ace is doing here? His best impression of a gorilla squat?Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting I swear Im not into bestiality. Dont know where all of these monkey thoughts have come from. (On the animal note though, doesnt Taylor remind you a big a big bear?)

Okay, cutting to the chase here. After Bucky was Kellie. She only sang two because of her recent sickness. See Katherine? Only took her 3 shows to recover from laryngitis when it took you THREE WEEKS... hmm... interesting. Maybe Kellie had better antibiotics. Even weirder that after Kellies sickness her boobs didnt get bigger like with Kats... strange.

Okay... after Kellie was intermission. This is a point where things got slightly interesting. And by interesting I mean annoying. Of course. My glass is always half full... its just half full of buttermilk. And really, who actually likes butter milk? Just kidding... lifes great. Blah blah, hug a tree, kiss a kitten. We went up stairs to the merchandise stand because I swore I wasnt leaving that place without a Taylor button to wear to work. Yes thats right. A Taylor button. And I dont care what you say. Ill be the coolest kid in the sandbox. Anyhow, we stood at the merchandise stand for fifteen sundays. I mean... what the hell? I can understand how maybe one person could be invisible, but three!? The cueball selling the stuff kept helping everyone around us, but never us. It was crazy annoying. I kept telling Stephanie she wasnt showing enough cleavage. I mean, really, work that out! I want a button! It was funny. This teen kid boy behind us looked at me and said, "What? Are they only helping hookers?" It was hilarious. Apparently he was right. It took forever. Finally, he asked Steph what we wanted and she told him a program (for me because its easier than just setting 20 dollars on the ground and throwing a lit match at it), an ace button (for steph) and a Taylor button (me again) and a Bucky button for my mom. Yes, thats right. She loves her some Bucky. Well, when steph said she wanted a Bucky button the guy said, "Bucky!? Really?" She assured him, yes, thats what we want. And he yells over his shoulder, Guess were gonna have to open a box of Bucky pins!" How sad!!!! No one loves Bucky! Well ppl are just dumb, thats what I think.

Okay, we get back to our seats just as the lights go back out. Perfect timing. Okay, so first after intermission is Chris. Im not the biggest Chris fan, but he really rocked. He did. It was good. (Thats for you Melissa... I know how you love some Mr. Daughtry) Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Also, Chris actually said TO TAKE OUT YOUR CELL PHONES... Im guess Chris has been to a shinedown show. Thank god thats all he took from them... I couldnt have handled a group therapy session from Mr. My eyes tell you how much I want to kill you when I look at you. It would have been too much. Not only did he say take our your phone once... he said it again later. Ugh.... whats up with rock stars these days. They dont make em like they used to.

Okay, Elliot and Chris did a duet then Elliots set. After Elliots set the boys returned (all but Taylor) and did a personal long time favorite of Stephs and mine "Patience". Great song. They sounded good. Okay... I wont go into details about the next act, because I dont know any. I didnt listen. It was Kat... and we all know... I LOATHE her. So... maybe we yelled a little about how much she sucks... and maybe stephanie was reading out of the program really loud and maybe she yelled "OH GOD!" when Kat started singing "Over the Rainbow" but I dont think it warranted the "Stop Booing" we got from the two foot tall rude dude in front of us. He was the size of a hobbit. Seriously. I mean, when his wife arrived, I thought she was alone and then she pulled him our her pocket and sat him on the chair. And the worst part about it was, the guy thought he was a badass. Thinking again PeeWee. Go back to your playhouse or shut-up. How do you like me now?

Okay, so... yeah... basically... Taylor always starts his set from somewhere out in the audience. He comes in from out there to jailhouse rock. Well, during the show, earlier in the evening I pointed up a bit and said, "Wouldnt it be cool if Taylor came in from right there, cause then hed walk right by us." And my mom says, "Yeah, it would be cool, but hell come in from the back, not from there." Yeah... its fate man... He came in RIGHT BY US. It was awesome!!! I couldnt have been more high if Id smoked a big fat one. (Which Ive never done, just for the record and never will. I listened in DARE class... and I watched those commercials for the more you know. Peace) I mean, it was more of a high than the contact high I got at snoop. It was amazing. God I loves him. Loves him a lot. His set was PHENOMENAL. In a word. I cant even remember much of it because I was just so so excited. I mean... Ive NEVER felt anything like the excitement I felt last night when he was out. I could have died. So... yeah... bit of a taylor geek here. Dont care who knows it. Hes the bomb ladies and gentlemen. Plus... he looked so incredibly I cant believe its not butter melt your face hot. Totally. Have I mentioned I love him?? He danced, sang, played tambourine, (which for some reason when my dad was recreating the sound a tambourine makes later in conversation said "wompa wompa". What kind of broken ass tambourine did he play with in music class?) danced some more and then he did this sneaky face Photobucket -  Video and Image Hosting (looks mischievous and sexy... he gave me that same look later....) when he was about to play the harmonica. He was looking at us like "do you want me to play?" Coincidently, when he gave me that look later, he was asking the same question. God it was amazing. And the answer... an astounding yes.

Which brings me to my next point... look friends... I must meet this man. It HAS to happen. I just wont die happy if it doesnt. So, look, if you are EVER in the situation where you think this might possible maybe could happen or maybe you meet someone who could make it happen or you just have the thought it might... think of me. Id forever be in your debt. Hey, food for thought there.

Did I mention there were larger than life size poptarts walking around the venue? Not sure if I did. But they were. Oh yes... they were. Gotta love life. When it gives you giant walking poptarts... don't be afraid to point and laugh your ass off.

So, that was my American idol experience. All in all, it was great. Four out of five stars. (Taylor gets twenty stars all my himself though for the show and the after show... heh) Amazing. Four our of five dentist agree. Two enthusiastic thumbs up. I loved it. I cant wait until Taylor does a solo tour. Oh yes... Ill be there. In the front row if ebay has anything to say about it... better start saving now. Photobucket -  Video and Image Hosting

This just added (it's from our show of course):

.. height="350" width="425">..>.. height="350" width="425">..>
And here is the blog I wrote back in OCT of 2007 after what I still consider to be the BEST NIGHT EVER!

I don't even know how to start this blog... because honestly, on the happiness scale (ten being the happiest ever... like Captain Jack Sparrow/You/Deserted Island type deal) I'd say this story puts me at about a 15. Seriously. Yesterday was the best day I've ever had. Best ever. After ten years of Hanson love... it finally happened. (No, I didn't bag a hanson... that would have been an 1187 on the happiness scale). Okay, the usuals: The Infamous Infallible Insane Steph's: Photo Sharing  and Video Hosting at Photobucket

And these wonderful boys right here: Photo Sharing  and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Okay, to start this story off, let me remind you that after ten years of loving these boys, Hanson had FINALLY decided to make a trip to our home state... and not only did they FINALLY come to the home state, they came to the hometown. Hanson in the 'Ham, good times. So, of course, being the INSANE girls that we are, we get the word OUT. "If you know ANYONE that knows ANYONE that works at workplay, we NEED THE HOOK-UP!" We must have said this to about ten thousand people.

Well, as the concert continued to approach and we STILL had NOTHING we decided to type an email to the radio station begging for backstage passes or a way we could win backstage passes or something. Well, the fates aligned. I woke up Friday at 5PM because I had worked the night before and had to work that night and checked my email and had one that said "Today from 2:45 until 5:45 you can enter to win some online as many times as you want" Of course we had little time so I got on the phone with Steph who was at work and told her to get the lead out. So we go, and register and enter... and it will only let us enter once. So we call EVERYONE we can think of and beg them to enter. Okay, so they are going to announce the winners at 5:50. Steph is at work so she can't listen so I sit at the computer with it tuned to the radio station.... "Congratulations to our Hanson Meet and Greet Winner "Caitlin" *awwww man" Inman *What!? YAAAAAAY*." You see, Caitlin is our friend at work who entered for us! Can you believe it!? So we both (Caitlin and I) email the radio station to ask if she can give the tickets and passes to us and we find out Sunday night that she can! I don't know if we could have been any happier. I'm telling you... it was CRAZINESS.

Okay, so day of, surprisingly I find myself not nervous. It's weird. I honestly can't believe how calm and semi-collected I feel. Stephanie agrees that she also feels this way. Weird. Hopefully it will stay this way. So, I get a call from the Q in the am and they tell me to be at WORKPLAY by 615 because the Meet and Greet starts at 630. No prob.

So here is where I will mention that in every city Hanson does a one mile walk in support of povery/AIDS in africa. They walk barefoot and then sell shoes at the end and for every pair of shoes sold one pair goes to a child in africa. It's a really good cause. Well, Steph and I decided to take the walk with Hanson in Bham. What could be cooler than strolling with Hanson in our own stomping ground? Turns out, nothing.

Well, as many of you know, ALL SUMMER LONG we have been on drought alert here in Bham. "Don't wash your car. Don't water your lawn. Use your bathwater a couple of times before you throw it out". That type of thing. I mean, NO RAIN. Well, would you believe that for the day of the walk the forecast says 80percent chance of all day thunderstorms and downpour? Mother Nature must have a beef with me because she ALWAYS does this to me.

Well, the walk is scheduled for 3 and Steph and I decided to chance it. We go over to the Fish Market and have some lunch then head over to workplay about 230 and wait. It's raining pretty good when we leave the fish market, but the heavens decide to smile on us, the second we walk up to workplay the rain mysteriously disappears (sure it leaves behind a multitude of humidity but I am not complaining). So a little after three hanson comes out there front door where about 150 ppl are waiting I guess. Not too many but a good showing for a mile walk in the rain. They do a spill where they explain why we are walking and then we set off. Now, believe it or not, it's actually REALLY easy to get up next to them. I found it very surprising how much so. So Stephanie quickly gets up with Isaac who is her favorite and he ask her name and shakes her hand and all of that and she ask him to take a pic with her. He agrees so she quickly snaps a photo. And what a GOOD shot it was. Photo Sharing  and Video Hosting at Photobucket They are so cute together.

So, after we walk with Ike (and offer our extra tickets to a girl who said she didn't have any and the show was sold out. We let her have them for free. We are good samaratins.) a little while we skip ahead and find ourselves with Zac. Now after all of this time of us thinking Zac was a meanie (I think I actually called him Dr. Douche Baggington - because he was so Douchey he has his PhD in Douche-ology) and I gladly eat those words. He was the NICEST person. He was SO nice to us. Seriously. What a cutie. (Actually what a hottie, and I do not feel like a perv saying this, he turned 22 yesterday. Yep it was his bday) He talked to us a good bit. He asked Stephanie where we were and she replied "The Ghetto". He laughed and was like, 'The Ghetto?" Might I add that we were actually in one of the nicest parts of Bham. If we had walked the OTHER way then yes, we would have been in the Ghetto, but we on Campus practically at this point. He asked if our names and did the usual "Oh, so you are both Stephanie." Yes, we are. Awesome. And he talked to us a bit and recorded us for some thing they are doing and then for a little while we lost him but we kept walking and video and goofing off.

Well after a bit we walk in front of where Steph and I work. Steph casually says, "We should call up to work and tell everyone to look down and wave." and suddenly we hear zac say, "Where do you guys work?" And we tell him UAB and then I say, "Actually let's not call work seeing as how I called in sick today." And he laughed and said, "Hey, your sick." and something to they effect of we'll vouch for you and then he says about how I can tell then I was walking for a good cause and he tells the whole spill again and says, "You can remember all of that can't you?" and Steph says, "When we get the pink slip we'll call you." and I say, "Yeah, when I get fired that'll be a great story to tell." Also somewhere in there Steph tells him about how we are glad they are in Bham because we've seen then ten times and had to drive across country every time and all. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket We walk with Zac more and then get up by Taylor some and by the Kirkclin clinic they stop and talk for a while as we wait for the rest of the group to come because Ike's posse is lagging behind. Photo Sharing  and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I turn and see Ike 'power walking/running' up the sidewalk to catch up and I get a great laugh out of the fact that he is running like a girl to match the girl shirt he has on. Photo Sharing  and Video Hosting at Photobucket I shouldn't be so mean... but it WAS freaking hilarious.

Okay, we walk more, talk more... blah blah... there is still SO much to tell so I'll cut it short... the walk was AWESOME. We got some GREAT video. It was so cool to walk the streets you walk EVERYDAY with people that you've loved for ten years AND it's for a great cause. It was the best.

Okay, so it's about 4pm when the walk is over and we have to be back at the venue preferably by 6 so we head back to my APT to fix ourselves... because you should have SEEN what we wore to the walk... you'd have thought we just left a UAB pep rally ... I can't believe we chill with Hanson looking like we did. I had a UAB tee with a UAB jacket and Steph was TOTALLY decked in her stained tiny green shorts that say UAB across the butt, her UAB teeshirt. UAB jacket and UAB backpack. It was sooo weird. (And they STILL asked if we were from bham.) So of course we have to do COMPLETE damage control before the meet and greet backstage fun. Oh, and by the way, we did NOT walk barefoot. I don't trust the streets of Birmingham.

Okay, we change... blah blah... make it back to the venue walk past everyone to the door and tell them our names (which were on a guest list) and they tell us to go in to the back and sit on the black leather couch. I have to admit I felt really cool passing everyone standing in the rain waiting to get in to go to the back and have a seat on a comfy couch. I'm not going to lie, it felt pretty awesome. So we sat there for a while waiting on time and then finally the other few winners arrive and then we all get in line and head backstage. I've never been backstage at a concert before so it felt really cool. We are geeks...we felt Primo.... I can't deny it. So when we reach the area where they are we get broken into two groups. One group of six and one of five. We were in the seconds group of five. So we watch the other group go over and get their shirts that they are wearing signed and then the winners all take a photo together of them with Hanson and then after a bit they walk off and then it's our turn. Well it just so happened to turn out that in our group Stephanie and I were the only 'winners'. The other people in our group were radio people who were kinda just there to be there. So we have them to ourselves! It was great! Okay, so we walk over. Ike shakes my hand and says, "I'm Isaac" and I think well duh christmas and then we kind of move down the line and Steph and I settle ourselves by Taylor and Zac and Taylor says something to the effect of do you want something signed... I don't remember and I say, "Well, I kind of like this shirt so I'm gonna go with this." and hand Zac my CD cover. And Zac gets in on my 'joke' and starts in with people wanting like really nice shirts and things signed and how he really doesn't get it and I say, "Yeah, here's a twenty" and he's like Right! And then Taylor interrupts to ask me what my name is and how to spell it but Zac continues with the convo to Steph about how if they sign money at least even if it's never worth something because of them at least it will still be worth something because it's still money. So, I tell Taylor how to spell Stephanie and he tried to pass the thing to Ike to sign and after he hits Ike with it a couple of times and he doesn't take it he just ask me to hold it and then ask Stephanie what her name is. He then ALSO says, "Oh, you are both Stephanie." I swear, one of us is going to have to change her name. Also, Ike accidently dropped Steph's cd cover when he was giving it back to her and she says, "Well don't throw it at me!" All jokey and he just looked blank... I'm glad at least Zac gets our jokes.

Okay then Taylor says, "Okay, let's take a picture with the winners." and since we are the only two that won passes left we get to have a pic of just us and Hanson! Which is great!!! Stephanie got next to Taylor but I got between Zac and Ike so I was happy with that. It was FREEZING back there and they both felt so warm. It was nice. They took two pics with our camera and we all started to disperse but the radio people said, "Wait! Let's get one with the radio camera" so we walk back and I was like, "Just kidding everyone. False alarm." and the took another and it turned out to be my favorite of the pics. It worked out perfectly because Stephanie looks great standing next to Taylor and Zac and I looked good next to each other as far as heights and all go. Here is the awesome pic. This is the radio one: Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at  Photobucket Which I know you've seen but see it again.

We finish and then wait while the radio people do their thing and Zac walks over to where we are and thanks us again and tells us it was really nice to meet us. He was SO NICE. And then as they get ready to leave Stephanie says so them, "I know this is short notice but you guys have to play Sweet Home Alabama. It's what everyone does." And Taylor says, "Yeah." Like laughing and then asks, "Does everyone really do that?" and I say, "Yeah, it's kind of a staple." And steph says, "Just play the opening riff. That'll do it." and Zac laughs. And then they thank us again and we follow some guys around backstage and off to the floor because we got to get into the concert before everyone else and pick where we wanted to be. We chose up top because their we some violent people already in the front that shoved Steph around and because in the balcony you can see great and you get to SIT. And we are old. We confirmed we were the oldest people at the walk.

Okay, so the concert was amazing! Something about seeing them in your hometown for the first time. It was sooooo good. We only had one hitch in the whole thing. And we shall call this Hitch "Video Natzi." Let's just say, Steph got 'in trouble' three times and two of those times were the stupidest things ever. One time Stephanie got up to go to the bathroom, something we had already done once and it was fine the first time. Well, she comes back to the table and suddenly some giant of a woman is over her yelling at her. And I mean yelling. Very meanly. She was like, "We have to see your armband! There were a ton of us yelling at you and you just ran by!" And Steph said, "I didn't hear you." And she was like, "Yeah right." Steph actually didn't hear her. Steph wears ear plugs at concerts to protect her hearing AND it was really loud. She had an armband so why try and get away? The second time she told Steph not to use video and we get that. So we can't. Well the third time Steph is holding her regular camera taking regular shots and the woman comes up AGAIN and says, "Still shots only, hon." and Steph said, "That's what I'm doing. Look!" And showed her and the woman looked down at her like, "Yeah right." It was crazy. She was going around bothering everyone. Get a life. You may remember tales of "grannie bitch" well G.B. was tame compared to this woman.

During the show at some point we suddenly hear the opening riff to Sweet Home Alabama. Then after the very beginning Ike says, "Just kidding." It was great!!! They did it! I can't believe it. I was sitting on the edge directly where Zac could see. (He'd seen us before) He looked up and make eye contact and smiled like "ha". It was great. (Maybe I imagined that last part, but I don't think so.) Either way, they did the Sweet Home riff. Legendary.

As I mentioned it was Zac's bday so of course he got a cake showed in his face... which they all ate off of the floor... someone give them some food if they are that desperate.... Okay, so for the last song they have their opening band come back out since it was their last show on this tour (the opening bands last show, not hansons) and do an awesome song... and during the song the stage crew comes out and starts taking apart Zac's drums! They must have a time limit for when the place closes and Hanson was running over. It was like a lengthy oscar speech and the music was playing. Hanson kept going while they took it apart.

At any rate... I doubt anyone made it this far... I had a lot to say, but all in all, it was the BEST EXPERIENCE EVER. Totally worth the ten year wait. We acted normal. We didn't freeze up or get too stupid... and they were SO SWEET. It was the greatest. It really was. We couldn't have asked for a better time. I'll be living off of this high for a long time.

Oh, so you're still reading? Awesome, well here's the time my BFF Steph and I went to see Hanson in Myrtle Beach. As per yoozh, it was anything but your average road trip!

As all of you know, Steph and I are losers. We are especially losers when it comes to our love for Hanson. We'd follow them across the country apparently... and probably off a cliff if the truth be told. So when we found out that they had added more tour dates for The Walk tour and that the closest one was in Myrtle Beach... well obviously we were all over that. It was a simple decision really. Beach+Hanson+The Stephanie's=Awesome. And so our trip began.....

The usuals:

Steph and StephPhotobucket

And "Hello Lover": Photobucket

Okay, so the morning starts out like they always do. We wake up at the ungodly hour of 4 am and start getting ready. This, of course, means that we aren't out the door until after 530. I don't know exactly why it takes an hour and half... especially when we still look like crap anyway, but it does. (And when I saw WE look like crap, I mostly mean ME). Okay, so we get on the road and starting driving. I always make a Car CD for whatever trip we are taking. We now have quite a collection of CDs that I like to call "No one in the WORLD would want to hear but us". Well I wait until we are on the interstate and I pop that bad boy in. It starts off with a request made by one Steph Rose called All My Life by KC and JoJo... because nothing says beach bound like Kc and JoJo.... well the second selection on the cd is where we get into a bit of trouble... you see, Amish Paradise by Weird Al starts and we proceed to "Jam Out" to this because we love it. In fact, we are "jamming" so much that I completely miss the I-20 pick up and we drive a good ten minutes because we realize this. So, our trip starts off with us missing our interstate because of Amish Paradise and how awesome we think it is.... not a good sign. It doesn't take long however and we are back on our way.

Okay, so we drive down I-20 most of the way and that's pretty boring and uneventful.... but we DO see (again) lots and lots of "Oversized Loads". That must be the only thing that is on the road these days. And we notice that one of the "Oversized Load Avengers" has something written on her car that says "Moosey Girl".

Steph Rose: "Look, that says Moosey Girl."

Me: "Well good, because she does really look like a moose."

Steph Rose: "Yeah, she does, but why would you draw attention to that?"

Me: "She didn't have a choice... she's pretty moosey."

And we continue to have idiotic conversations like this most of the way there. The only thing is... we don't usually realize they are idiotic. For instance, the convo where we discuss what if Steph was video taping out of the sunroof and was decapitated and since I didn't want to ruin my trip I didn't tell her mom and spent the trip taking her around "Weekend at Bernie's" style. Yeah, we really are that stupid.

Also, this is what Steph looked like most of the drive there... boring for me.... Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

Once we get into SC some car passes and we notice the guy in it staring at us and smiling. We politely smile back and try to ignore him. When they drive by again and he waves his hat that he is wearing at us and THEN we realize it's an ALABAMA hat. So we laugh and smile like "Great, we are from Alabama and you either love the team or you lived there before". Well, for the next hour he's around and EVERY TIME he passes he's smiling at us like we should be bff's because we share this big secret or something. We are polite but then I think we made him sad when we finally stopped looking at him every time his car was next to ours... Sorry Alabama Guy... that got old.

Okay, so we get to our hotel and its GLORIOUS. Right on the beach! It's wonderful. We check in and the person behind the deck hands us this blue piece of paper and says take this over there to the concierge and he'll give you a booklet of coupons and stuff for the places around here. Okay, that's actually awesome. So we walk over to him and it's the crotchety old man and he grunts out "Come back later and I'll have one made up for you". Why didn't you already do that when you saw us check in? Why don't you ALREADY have them made up in case someone DOES check in? Whatever. We'll come back. As it turns out, we come back in thirty minutes or so and he's gone for the day. Jackass. We spent the rest of that trip with Steph dead beat on getting those coupons. (She was a coupon freak on this trip btw... like she thought she was going to find that magic coupon that said "you never have to pay for anything ever for the rest of your life if you just clip this coupon right here. Happiness is just a clip away). Every time we went to that desk it didn't work out. Stupid Breakers Hotel.

Also, a quick note, this is what we looked like our first day at the beach:
Steph in her poncho and me with the umbrella. It stormed the whole first day there. We ate at a place called FUDRUCKERS because Steph thought it was FUDPUCKERS. Not the same mind you. But we won't go into that. And then we went back to the hotel and I read a book while Steph watched Animal Planet and then we watched HOUSE and were in bed by 9 o'clock central time. Yep, no one can throw down like Steph and Steph. Watch out Myrtle Beach!

Okay, so the next morning it's a little cold but we head down to the beach to lay out for a while because it's really the only chance we are going to get. It's BEAUTIFUL down there. Really. And I can't believe it was just out the front door. Wonderful. Photobucket Well, we find a good spot and set up camp. We lay out for a while and suddenly I am startled by a gruff voice saying "Will my radio bother you ladies?" And look up to see a weird looking man in his 40s or 50s setting his towel RIGHT NEXT TO MINE. (When the beach ISN'T crowded at all) Now our responses SHOULD have been "Yeah, sorry, if you turn that radio on my brain will explode" or "I'm sorry, that radio is against my religion" but instead we say "Of course not. Please site here man that I am sure I saw on Cold Case Files last night. Weren't you the guy who hacks up girls he meets on the beach?" He then asks "what kind of music do you like? How about Classic Rock?" and we say perfect. And then EVERY SONG that comes on he's like "Perfect! Alright!" Well he doesn't say anything so after a while I put IPOD on and start to listen. Thank god I did because no sooner that I did he starts talking and I pretend I can't hear him so steph has to field the questions. "Where are you girls from? Blah blah blah... I work over in that hotel over there as maintenance." Great you have access to kill us. Super. After he finally stops talking to Steph she whispers to me "I'm going to KILL you." To which I responded, "Get in line."

After we lay out a while we head down to the water to take some pics and suddenly we hear him yelling "Hey" and running out to us. "Let me take ya'lls pic so now people will now you were both here!" we were like "dammit....." but we let him take some pics. It was very creepy. He was like "Go get out in the water waist deep!" I'm thinking why so you can run out and shove me under. Oh well. Sorry old man... you were kinda creepy. Here is a pic of Mr. Creepy as he turns up the bottle. Yes, he was drinking that on the beach as he lay next to us. Photobucket

After we lay out we head back to the hotel (making sure we weren't followed) and get ready to go the Barefoot Landing and do the walk with Hanson. We love doing to the walks. It was like the thing we did in Birmingham with them back in Oct. We also did it in New Orleans but I never blogged about that trip.

Okay, so we get to barefoot landing. Walk around. Decide to eat at some hotdog place where the hot dogs are WONDERFUL but they are tiny and cost as much as my rent.

Okay we go over to the HOB and get ready to do the walk. Hanson says they will be out at 330.... so at 400 when they still aren't there... well I'm actually not surprised. They are always late to everything. What the heck do they have to do? Other than work on finding the worst outfit/ensemble EVER. Okay, they come out and start talking and we can't see where they are and then suddenly Taylor is walking out right next to me. I almost had a coronary. He's such a babe. After we kiss hello and he tells me how good it is to see me and all we then leave everyone... oh wait, what ACTUALLY happened. He is swarmed by a crowd and I can't see him anymore but I do turn to see Ike standing right next to Steph and I starting laughing so hard at what was on his face I couldn't get a pic of them together. Let me just show you what this "boy" (and I use to term boy loosely) decided was a good idea to put on his face. Photobucket I don't get it. But I don't get most of what Ike wears. Sorry. Maybe that's my bad not his... but I doubt it.

So this walk is not nearly as good as Bham. Not even close. It's like a walk/run. And the worst part of all is we have to walk across these "bridges" that say max 250 and then there are like 500 ppl on them that all weight at least 200lbs... I was scared out of my mind. I almost had a panic attack and I'm not kidding. They all felt like there were about to go under and the water is Alligator/algae/swamp thing/lockness monster infested. Photobucket

So the walk sucks but I do get some AWESOME pics. Check them out please they were really good. (Two examples right here: Photobucket Photobucket And on another note, I won't go into it, but all of you that think Steph and I are big losers... PLEASE. You need to see how the other Hanson fans are. We look at them worse than you look at us if that tells you anything. I actually heard someone say "Well, if you respect Zac then he'll respect you back." What? Do you KNOW him? No, you don't. And then when Taylor said something unfunny like he always does because he thinks that he IS funny because his fans are laugh sluts who will give it up for a bad pun... some girl said, "Taylor is so silly." I almost puked. So... yeah.

Okay, after the walk we go back to the hotel and change for the show and we grab a quick sweet treat because that hot dog was a joke and we go back to the house of blues. Well we have to stand in like FOREVER. And while we are waiting we noticed that believe it or not there are a lot of guys there and some are pretty hot. Case in point: Photobucket Photobucket Now, you won't think they are hot... it's hard to tell in these pics. But they were BABES. And sadly we realized that one with long hair was younger than 21 when they passes out the "are you old enough to drink bracelets". We love to cradle rob....

Okay, so this is when things get weird. Really weird. This place has security like the president is coming. They start off with the No cameras at all speak and then they say, "No knives, no mase, no guns, no sharpees (how does sharpee fit in there??)" Where do they think we are? No knives?? It's HANSON! But whatever. Well after while we realized they are coming around and doing like airport security and making you put your stuff in the basket and waving a medal detector on us. WHAT!? Seriously!? Wow. That was weird. I've never been to a show where they did that and I've seen Snoop Dogg. Photobucket

Okay so we get in to our reserves seating (thank god... we are WAY too old to have to stand the whole show) and we sit on our stools. Get some food blah blah. Well during the open act some girls show up that have the bench in front of us that is located DIRECTLY on the edge of the balcony. I will now refer to these four girls as The Bitches of Eastwich. Well they stand not caring that they don't need to stand to see and now we can't see. So the old man river sweet as pie security guard comes over and says "You can't stand because no one behind you can see if you do" and instead of saying, "Oh yeah, you are right. Thank you kind sir." They proceed to have a sh*$ fit! I am not lying. It was CRAZY! "Well it doesn't say anywhere that we can't stand! Blah blah! Pitch a fit! Blah blah! I'm a 2 year old having a tantrum! Blah!" and then she walks off to 'tattle' to someone from what I can guess while the other three sit. Well she comes back. They huddle and bitch some more. Then she leaves again. Then she comes back. Then they all leave. Well after about ten minutes they all come back. Well after a while she notices other ppl in the balcony that are IN THE BACK AND NOT IN FRONT OF ANYONE standing and walks over to the security guard and YELLS "THEY ARE STANDING! GO DO SOMETHING ABOUT THEM!" and he tells her if you want to stand either go down stairs or they can go in the back. Go old man river! I want to hug him. Well after a while they go tattle again. And then some guy comes over that works there and I want to slug him and he says if they stay over to where they aren't in front of anyone then they can stand up in front. I was SOOOO PISSED. Why should their bad behavior get rewarded? That's SOOOO not fair. And during the whole show they are SO ANNOYING. They do this hand thing that was synchronized with all of them where they point out to all of the words and big beats to the song. I wanted to kill them. I will forever hate you Bitches of Eastwich because you made a big deal out of nothing and you weren't happy with your AWESOME seats and had to go and ruin everyone's night with your bitchiness. Also, side note... she DIDN'T stay out of my way. Midway through she was in front of me and blocked my view of Taylor. The guy I've been in love with for 11 years. She must not know that I will smack a biotch. UGH. I just can't stand rude inconsiderate ppl... *steps down off of her soap box*

Other than the biotches, the show was great. It was very hurried it seemed like because once again Hanson was late as usual and didn't come out for over an hour after the opening band. What the heck. Also, Ike did a shot on stage with the opening band and I'm guessing he did a few more after because he was CRAZY on stage. It actually made me enjoy him more because he gave me something to laugh at and make fun of and you know that's my fave thing to do. (Which is a bad quality I know).

Okay, after the show we go back to the hotel... go to bed.. Blah... next morning we eat... blah... get packed... check out... get back on the road while planning to stop at Broadway at the Beach and the Tanger Outlets. The two things Steph has wanted to do the most. Well we drive along and see the outlets and go. Steph gets her Coach purse which she has really really wanted and then we shop around and then get back in the car and drive a ways before we realize we have somehow passed Broadway at the Beach and if we go back it'll take us like 40 minutes... so we don't go... which makes Steph sad because that's what she wanted to do the most. :( I'm a bad navigator.

So we drive a ways and after about an hour we start passing signs for a place called Sparky's. Sparky's has everything. Get all you need at Sparky's. We literally see about 200 signs. So then we debate should we go and buy cheap souvenirs. Well we debate this until we finally drive past it and see what it looks like... like a garage sale that was put in a building... maybe a small flea market type deal but no better. So we don't go... and then as we drive past Steph starts regretting that we DIDN'T go. I say I'll turn around but she says no... then she's sad for the next 30 miles that we didn't. Also, as we drive past we see a sign that says "Sparky says have a bow-wow day". This place is probably to lure tourist in like the Chainsaw Massacre.... Leather face must run the place.

The rest of the trip was uneventful... We got stopped in road construction for a good year when I had to pee so bad I wanted to die... but otherwise it was good. And that was our trip to Myrtle Beach. Sounds about right for a Steph and Steph adventure if you ask me. Hanson, creepy guys, missing exits, annoying fans, and fun. Now I can't wait for the New Kids On the Block tour! Woohoo life is good.
Dear Person Who Is Obviously Pretty Bored,

I have decided that I too maybe should start a blog. I actually really don't have anything in my life worth blogging about as far as I don't have any kids... No husband.... No pets.... But I DO tend to life my life a little on the "zany" side. I take lots of crazy roads trips to see bands that most people had forgotten about at least ten years ago... My best friend and I on occasion like to pretend we are Michael Jackson... (okay so ONCE but you never know when we'll do it again!), I tend to speak mostly in movie quotes (especially when talking to my little brother), and I tend to get obsessed with things... really random nerdy things. So maybe it would be something worth reading about after all. You know, one of those days when it's too hot to go outside, or it's late at night and you can't sleep... or you've been tied to your computer chair with your eyes taped open and you've got nothing else to do.... So what the heck? Let's give it a whirl.

I've decided to first post some of my very old myspace blogs just because they are about some of the crazy trips I've taken in the past AND because they (once upon a time) took me a while to work on. We'll start with the night I met a group of men that I'd loved for twenty years! Yes, that's right friends, NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK. And yes, I am VERY serious.

Backstage at the show: One Million bucks. An Event 20 years in the making: PRICELESS.

Let me preface this with... it's gonna be long. Really long. BUT IT'S SOOOO WORTH THE READ. Seriously. You gotta read it all. Thanks so much.Okay, so I don't know how many of you knew about the colossal event that was to take place on October 29th, 2008. But it was a doozy. An event to end all evens. An event 20 years in the making... and I'm not exaggerating. This was too be something that we'd wanted to do since we were 6 and 7 years old sitting in our poster coated bedrooms dreaming about who was our favorite. We were going to do something amazing. Yes that's right. These girls. These girls right here Photobucket were going to meet someone amazing. Someone they'd loved for almost their whole lives. These amazing guys right here: Photobucket
Yep! Heather, Stephanie, and I met the NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK! The five hardest working kids in show business. The five bad brothers from the Beantown land. The stars of our prepubescent fantasies! Yep. I couldn't MAKE this up! It really happened. And now I'm going to tell you about it. So get ready for awesome cause I'm about to drop it on you!

Okay, so this trip starts like they all do... we get in the car... car snacks: check. Video camera: check. Directions that we will follow but still inevitably get lost: check. Awesome car cd: check. And off we go.

Now believe it or not, we actually get to our awesome hotel without incidence. I mean, seriously. No wrong turns. No wide loads. NOT A SINGLE ONE. I just realized that. Not one wide load. WOW. That's never happened before. Hmm.. Well anyway, like I said, we got to the hotel beautifully. And what a great hotel it was. It was called Hyatt Place. I recommend it. It was nice.

Okay, we get to the hotel at 3:00 Atlanta time and we have to be at the venue at 4:30 SHARP according to our confirmation so we don't have time to do much damage control. Now I never feel like I look fantastic by ANY means. I usually more of what you call a self loather, BUT after I've been in a car an extended amount of time... well there isn't a need for a description... but let me just say it's bad. So we have little time to get face to face NKOTB ready. But we do our thing and head back out the door by four to get to the venue. (Cutting to the chase, no one cares about this... it's all about the new kids baby!)

So we get to the venue and see, oh... about 6 billion people already in line. (Not really but it seemed like it) and let me just tell you.... It was a very.... interesting group of people there. I'm really working on my 'not being mean' thing so I won't say too much. But I will say... clothing was apparently optional because some people decided to 'let it all hang out'. And I mean ALLLLLLL. Cause apparently if you do, no matter how OLD or.... not little... you are, the new kids will see your business and decide they want to marry you. True story. There was a woman there with Elvira type cleavage... we took a pic but I can't make myself be mean enough to put in here. I just can't do it. Just imagine it. Yeah, it's as bad as what you just pictured. We went the complete other route... cause it was in the 40's outside. We all wore sweaters. IF ONLY I'D KNOWN! Show ALL of your cleavage and they will want you! Why didn't someone tell me!?

Okay, so we wait in line to check in for a while and then when we finally reach the FIRST stop point they look in our bags and we check our cameras. We are also told to not get our cell phones out for anything... weird... but okay. Then we get in ANOTHER line and wait in it. While we are waiting in this line the NKOTB body guard (the same one from back in the day... not Biscuit, but ROBO (who steph loving called Robo Cop)) comes out and in what I can only assume was SUPPOSED to be English gives us a speak. From what I could roughly translate we were to by NO MEANS take out a camera of cell phone or we would be shot on site and we were to not ask for an autograph or we would have our hands cut off. BUT we could kiss, hug, whatever else we wanted. Very weird their priorities are.

After THAT line we go to the check in table where they find our names, give us our 'goodie bags'(which I will go into later) and give us our laminate telling us which group we are in. (Letter L. Best letter ever.) We then are led into a big room with tables set around. There is a buffet and an area to get drinks. Wine, beer... whatever. We stake out a table and Stephanie immediately hits up the buffet and cleans them out. I sit there racking my brain to figure out how I can suddenly get much cooler and better looking. No luck. I will say this, and let me preface it AGAIN by repeating the "I know I'm not good looking... I'm a self loather... blah blah if you know me you know this spill"... BUT the three of us were PROBABLY in the top ten best looking people meeting them out of the 200. Seriously. And I'm being generous saying top ten. It may have been top 5. After a few minutes the New Kids walk in the room. I immediately have to swallow my heart out of my mouth and back into my chest. OH.MY.GOD. They are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hot in person! I'm serious. It was brutal. I look over at Stephanie and I can't believe what I see! She's in FULL celebrity mode. Face red. Eyes shining. Let's out a scream and is FULL ON celebrity waving. (Ask her to celebrity wave for you some time. It's her thing. She's great at it). It was great! I was happy to see her so excited!

Okay, so they go behind this curtained off area in the corner of the room and the meeting and greeting commences. We are in groups of ten and they call you to line up a couple of groups at a time. It's maybe ten minutes when our group is called to line up. It wasn't that I was really nervous as much as I didn't know what to do. I mean, here I was about to walk into a room with 5 men that I have basically loved my whole life and I just have to walk up to them and... what? I have no idea. What the heck do you say or do? I mean, I know what I WANT to do... but since there will be other people there... I doubt it would go over well. (And when I say 5 men that I have loved... I don't mean 5. I mean 4. I won't say who I am excluding... but you will know when you read the meet part and see who I didn't hug) The group in front of us goes in and my mind is racing. AH! What do I do? I'm a loser... but I have my cool moments. Too bad they come as they please and I can't just wish one of them to the surface.
"Okay, go ahead."

That was a short, but REALLY long walk back to the curtain. At the last second before we walk through the curtain Stephanie turns to me and finally admits "I'm nervous." Yeah, me too, sister.

Okay, let me interject here to tell you of a surprise, I have two guest BLOGGERS here today! Stephanie and Heather have so wonderfully written their accounts of the backstage festivities for us! Since it was so chaotic, I only know what happened to me, so I need their views as well. So without further adieu. Heeeeeeerrrrrrrrreeeee'ssss HEATHER!

Ok... for the meet and greet they said to go to your fave new kid first. So I WENT TO DONNIE BIOTCH! It was kinda awkward standing in line watching the girl in front of me hug him. So I went up and hugged him. Then, I starting feeling a lil' frisky. Okay, well, actually I had been trying to work up the nerve to ask him for a kiss for weeks. So I said, "Umm... can I have a kiss?" He said, "Sure thing!" Please note that he had the 'come hither Heather' look in his eyes. SO I let him initiate it so it wouldn't been one of those awkward cheek or lip moments. Yeah, he totally planted one of my lips. It was a short kiss (but noisy so I hear). He has kinda small lips... but OMG he is Donnie Wahlberg!!! I hope he liked the taste of my cherry chapstick! He seemed satisfied after the kiss. I WAS FOR SURE!! Then, I went to see Joey (who might be my fave if he wasn't married). He asked me how I was ... and I think I said "fine how are you?" All I know if I was kinda in a daze after the Donnie liplock. I know that Joe smiled at me and it was like a darn Colgate commercial smile. TOTAL HOTNESS! And he hugged me... good hugger. On a scale of 1-10 he is at least an 8. Then, I moved on to Danny. Ok. Ok. I felt sorry for him. He is a nice guy... he can't help not being the favorite. Or the 2nd favorite... or the 3rd favorite... Anyway, he was nice. And short!!! Like he is lucky to be 5'7". Then they yelled for the group picture. The first thought that ran through my head as "S$%! I'm gonna be by Danny in the picture!" Thank goodness Joe scooched over next to me in the pic. Then I thought OMG! Joey McIntyre has his arm around me... for an extended amount of time! Joey probably thought my knees were shaking because I was nervous but it was really because there were getting shaky from me bending down to Danny's height in the pic. So in the group pic I will be between Joe and Danny. Then as they ushered us out I hugged Jon really quick. Good hugger too... cute in person. I gave Jordan an A-frame hug real quick and he said "give me a real hug!" so I did. I even did the whole rub his back while I was hugging him thing. Then, I smiled and waved and left. But I will be back boys!!!!!!

Our next quest blogger is Miss Stephanie Rose. Let's see what she has to say about all of this.

So it was finally time for us to go 'backstage' or more accurately 'back behind a curtain' and I was pretty sure that we were about to get our palms read to find out which New Kid we were gonna end up with cause that's what it looked like...must have been the 5-Star VIP Halloween special. Anyway, we walk in and the guys are lined up waiting for you to approach them and fulfill whatever PG-13 fantasies you've had building for the past 15 years. I started feeling kinda shy and awkward so I decided to start with the shy and awkward New Kid...Jon Knight. I was about to shake his hand and introduce myself (even though I still hadn't decided which sexy/mysterious alias to use) when he held his arms out for a hug. I was pleasantly surprised and definitely accepted the hug offer...then I realized that this is the standard New Kids greeting...a big open hug...SWEET! So I moved on to Jordan and practically melted in his arms....OMG he's soooo HOTT!! I wanted to stand by Jordan in the picture so I didn't want to walk away from him and lose my spot in the photo so I just stopped right there and waited. I happened to look over to my right at the exact time that Heather and Donnie were sharing a juicy liplock. I was shocked and I guess my face must have revealed my disbelief of what I was witnessing cause Donnie cut his eyes at me and winked. Then he kinda chuckled and said "You're next!" Um, no sir, no thanks, not sure how to let you down gently but I kinda want to play the friend card here. I have the utmost respect for you as an actor and even more so as a stripper/singer/dancer/New Kid but I'd rather not get mono tonight from the pimp of the group. So instead of a kiss he hugged me and I said "Hey Donnie Wahlberg"...I guess I wanted to impress him by showing him that I know his first AND last name. Anyway, at about that time someone said that it was picture time so I reattached myself to Jordan's side for the photo and that's when some older skanky/slutty fan tried to jump in my spot. Um no maam, you need to back up bc I have been patiently waiting here. So Jordan kinda rearranged her to his other side...and thank goodness for that cause somebody was about to get cut. So they took two pics and after the first shot Jordan looked over at me and told me that I did good. Not really sure what he was referring to but it's still nice to be told that you've done something right. So then everyone begins to disperse and it's about time for us to head back out to the VIP holding I quickly approached Joe and told him that I wanted to give him a I did and OMG what a babe!!! The last remaining New Kid was Danny and I kinda bypassed him and headed out. And that was how it all went down 'backstage' at the gig.

And finally. Your's truly will tell you about my experiences behind the black curtain.

Okay, so I walk in and there are new kids everywhere! It's almost like being at the zoo and you can't decide whether to visit the elephants or the monkeys first. (And no danny, that wasn't a shot at you). Back in the day, Joe was my first love... then I LOVED Jordan... but I revived my Joey love ten years ago... but since the reunion... I've been a Jonathan Knight girl. Yeah, there are persistent rumors that he's gay. But SO WHAT. I won't get him either way. At least now I can speculate it's because I have boobs and not that I'm a hag. Well back to that, I see him in the corner and he's alone and Steph is walking towards him, so I follow. She hugs him and walks away and then I go in for a hug. Oh my word! That was the kind of hug you get from a close close friend. Not a stranger. It was heaven. He pulled me close and squeezed and said in this OH SO SEXY boston accent, "hey, how are you?" and I said, "I'm good. How are you?" He said good or something. Gah, I didn't want to leave him. He smelled amazing. He's sooooooo hot in person. Wow. Then Jordan is next to him. I don't care for jordan. I see him checking Steph out as she walked away though. I hug him. Whatever. Then I look over just as Donnie and Heather go for the best kiss in a meet and greet award. Wowsers. That was a sight! You go girl! I was proud to be her friend! So after they finish their making out :) I hug Donnie and he also gives A GREAT HUG. The hug of a lover, not a stranger. Amazing. Then Stephanie hugs him and I hear "Group Pic time" AHHH! I'm a mile from Jon! Where do I go? Then D Dub is pulling me next to him really close. The D-O-N-N-I-E The W-A-H-L to the B-E-R-G is holding me to him. Wow. That's a nice feeling. ESP since he is my second fave. I love some D Dub. So they say the are going to take the pic and I feel what I think is him pulling me closer to him so I get closer then I feel the Laminate around my neck moving and realize he is playing with it! Donnie Wahlberg from BAND OF BROTHERS, SAW, NEW KIDS, is messing around right there by the ladies. Gah... then feel like he is staring at me. I try and look at him WITHOUT looking at him because all I can think is DON'T MESS THE PIC UP but it looks like he's staring at me. So after the pic I say, "What were you doing?" and he replied, "Just having fun." Yeah, just giving me an aneurism! Then they say it's time to leave and I realize I haven't hugged Joey so I run to him (right pass Danny... sorry Danny, I REALLY am) and hug him. It's so weird to think you just walk up and hug someone without words. Then after he says "Thank you" and I make eye contact and nearly die. Baby's got blue eyes. BEAUTIFUL blues. Then I start to leave. Steph goes, then Heather, then as I walk out Jonathan Sexy Knight puts his hand on my back and rubs and says, "Thanks for coming." And I died.

When I came to we went back to the table. Got a drink. Sat around. Then after they were done they came out and said some stuff then left. So we headed toward the arena after getting our cameras back (and after OF COURSE calling the moms and telling them we can now die happy!)

We go to our seats which are 5th ROW! Amazing! The only other time I ever saw NK was when I was nine and we were basically sitting in the front yard of our house watching it... might as well have been anyway, and now we are in their faces! It was glorious! The only way to see a show!

First is Natasha Bedingfield and she's good. I didn't mind her at all. On the contrary, I liked her. But next something awful happened. The worst thing I've ever seen in my life. This comes on the stage. Photobucket
You may ask what is that that she's wearing. I don't know... looks like a Lady Marmalade Christina Agulera reject. Now I'll admit, it just WASN'T my type of music. But this girl was CRAZY. Seriously. It was hard to watch. I just don't know. There aren't enough words. I'm sure other people would like it... but it was just NOT for me. But you know, good for her and her back up dancers that looked like they wanted to kill you. I'm glad they are out there doing their thing...

So after Lady Marmalade (as steph called her) gets off the stage we all get excited. We know it's time. Stephanie, Heather, and I couldn't be more excited! This is they day to end all days and it's about to get even better!

There aren't words to describe how awesome that show was. ESPECIALLY from where we were sitting. They truly truly rocked it hard core. It was amazing. I could go on alllll day. Donnie was sexy as ever. Jordan did the shirtless "baby I believe in you" fan blowing his shirt back, Jon was hott and a TOTAL cutie pie when he would mess up the dance moves. Danny did some AMAZING break dancing. Truly. And Joe. What can you say about Joe? The man's awesome! It was just great great great. Here are a few pics to enjoy!PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket
After the show we go back to the hotel and look through our goodie bag. Steph asked the question, "Wonder what the thought process was on what to put in this thing?" Cause it's VERY random items. This is what I think they said, "Well, sometimes when I sit around the house. I get cold. So let's put in this NKOTB blanket. And when I'm cold I like to drink some hot Cocoa. Therefore a NKOTB mug would be great. And when I am under a blanket with cocoa I like to reminisce. So a NKOTB picture album would be ideal!"

To cut to the chase, next day we eat Steak an Shake (delicious) and get on the road. I did forget to mention us getting lost after the show and driving in a HUGE CIRCLE around Duluth for a good 45 min... BUT I'm sure you expected it.

The last thing I want to mention is the conversation we had on the drive back. This is pretty much in verbatim. I changed some due to lack of a photographic memory, but it's close.
Steph "Do you think they ever feel like pieces of meat?"
Heather "Probably but I'm sure they like it."
Me: "And can you blame them!"
Steph "Yeah have you seen those fans! Gross!"
Heather: "How many people do you think were in that arena?"
Me: "I don't know. 20,000."
Heather: "Well of the 20,000 MAYBE 100 were attractive. Probably only 20 are available or actual meet them. That's 5 girl apiece!"
Stephanie: "But Danny get's none of those. Well, maybe 1.5."
Heather: "Please! Danny get's like a foot!"
Me: "And Jon doesn't want his. Maybe he can donate."
And I can't remember who but someone said "I'm sure Donnie will take them. He's a man whore."
AND AGAING i repeat, I don't think I'm great. But I do wear clothese to cover me! Which some people who are way older than me forgot to do!

Okay, so that's really the end of the most awesome NKOTB extravaganza! I hope you didn't die of old age or boredom while reading this (if you actually did read it all) but it truly was an awesome couple of days! Our GROUP photo was taken by the people there and won't be up for two weeks but trust me... you'll be seeing it!!!! Peace out friends. Feel free to leave me lots of comments.

Backstage at the show: One Million bucks. An Event 20 years in the making: PRICELESS.